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Our mission is to support works of art that stretch the possibilities of expression and encourage creative thinking.

We organized to present the work of 20th century composers but 1687 is not limited to a particular art form.

We also develop educational projects that aim to create or study situations where original, inventive thinking thrives.



Board of Directors:

Shiben Banerji
Shiben Banerji studied architecture and history at Columbia University. He has subsequently worked for architecture, planning and conservation firms in New York and Bombay. He has designed exhibit panels on Bombay for the "Cities - Corners" exhibition being held at the International Conventional Center of Barcelona from May through September of this year. Shiben has assisted with the development of numerous 1687 productions, and his interest in historiography particularly shaped previous presentations of "We Are Not
Your Monkeys" and "Defining Violence / Justifying Torture." Shiben is currently interested in the use of research on the built environment and new media as tools for public education.

Marc Mannheimer
Marc Mannheimer's Resume

Lenore Von Stein

  Helpful Links:


Foundation Center

Gifts In Kind